Australian Citizenship Test - Reaping the CONSEQUENCES of poorly thought out, miserly policies. 

WE DID WHAT  WE THOUGHT WAS BEST, CREATING A DETERRANCE...CRUEL to be kind and expedient on the not so Commonwealth values of a Fair Go, a fair go for the under-dog, the battlers.

The desired outcome of the White Australia Policy which the Child Migration Scheme was a component is a perfect example of  what the Renaissance writer and public servant/whistleblower, Machiavelli explained in The Prince suggesting when it was appropriate to justify the means for the ends.

In the post-war migration campaign the young Nation State wanted to fill its borders with British working and breeding stock.

Kids without families were farmed out: This was what these kids were good for - they were trained to scrub and iron, sweep and cook, milk cows, kill the hens, wash, polish, and recycle bricks for building chapels and schools. 
Schooling for them was basic when they could used their domestic skills to help with out-stations where Catholic mothers needed all the assistance they could get for the babies they bred on behalf of a grateful Church and Nation. 

Hardly anybody knew what was going on. The end justified the means. My Mum was one, and so was Bob and Hazel's daughter's Nanny.

On the good ship Asturius the girls from Birmingham, U.K. were sent to regional New South Wales, Albury in 1950.

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