Monday, April 21, 2014


It's impossible to agree with everything your side in Politics does. On Refugee Policy, mandatory detention I am torn asunder and am glad there are other Labor members like me - otherwise I'd be jumping ship to catch the Green raft. 
These days when Leader of the Greens Christine Milne speaks I have no conflict - on anything. It feels like a comfortable pair of shoes. I told the Queensland State Secretary I was upset when Labor people denigrated the Greens when they were speaking from a scientific and humanitarian foundation. He didn't agree with me that we, the ALP would lose the next generation if we continued to be against gay marriage based on religious exclusions.

Abbott Government Ministers had to remind us this Easter the problem with the economy is those who are receiving a Disability Support Pension...YES, Human non-Services Minister Kevin Andrews has not reasurred those on the lowest rung of society his Christian faith is going to interfere with the cull on all Pensions.
There is no comment on any progress of the Bi-Partisanship of a National Disability Insurance Scheme, which had groundswell support from the Australian population. This is something for the Common Good but Kevin Andrews thinks he'll save more attacking the integrity and capability of Medical doctors, (showing a common attitude to the Queensland Health Minister).

Of course the dis-Honourable Kevin Andrews has a belief in making people suffer unnecessarily - with his evangelical crusade against Euthanasia. Jesus died for us so violently and painfully - He was sacrificed for the Greater Good. 

So, Abbotts Apostles believe they can decide who can be saved and who to rot in cruel limbo hell. Then there's the many ALP Parliamentarian's who have become hardened - not led the way in teaching the reason we signed up to the United Nations conventions on Asylum seekers.

I am confused. Our Politicians proclaim Belief in a Biblical anti-establishment Jew, a House of David revolutionary and so easily can pick and choose when to make laws to commit human rights abuses.

Will they remember
                                                THE CULLING

The Truth is we were all pagan once, making up stories,
Being Artists and Observing Natural wonders, so this
Picture of a Hare in a Poppy Field reminds me,
My Ancestors were Fertile as I am on this Blood Moon.

Fecund symbolism is embedded in a
Never-ending, pro-creating poem, where themes
Of  men dominate, destroying flesh, blood and
Testesterone go mad even to this century,
For War Lords everywhere find their Warriors
New artillery to win the war smartly
Murdering Hope.

Ceremoniously the poppies and rosemary
Which grew over fields of blood and bone
Won't mention Churchill for Gallipoli
Or the Supreme Sacrifice was against
All expert advice.

Why doesn't someone say when you're dead,
You're dead, subject matter for archaologists,
Historian, and Babies grown up without fathers,
Or in the revenge of Twin Towers, no accounting
For the lies and war crimes where civilian collateral
Is missing from our prayers and the babies buried
In the rubble of generational bricks and mortar remains.

 It is not a competition - we are all losers, again and again.

LEST I FORGET where I grew up: My Bunny Pinky was gone when we got back from holidays - given to my Dad's friends for a feast. Sacrilegious.

NORTHERN HEMISPHERE SPRING EQUINOX. In my present Australian citizenship our family gathers. Egg hunt in the plant pots and around the house for first grand-son - Life is Rich and Joyous, even if it is all upside down like a Dr.Seuss absurdity.

The Minister Not for the Environment Greg Hunt may be planning to conscript pensioners to work for their undeserved aged-pension in a Green Army,( but he forgets this could require more Knee replacements). His Ministry of a Direct Action Policy which doesn't include taxing carbon pollution is so sure my Grandchildren and their Grandchildren will have an environment of Nature's beauty and wonder. 

Please click this link for an apt message of

Rational-fear-easter-greg-hunt from the guardian

The Hon. Minister against the Environment Greg Hunt whose recent announcement for Mines and Dredging and rippin up the Tasmanian Forest Agreement is also an activist Catholic!

In the 21st century those Parliamentarians on both side of the House are champions for dealing Opium/Supernatural Deity as the answer to everything by planting mainly enthusiastic, cheap, Chaplains into State Schools - not to proselytise the belief that only Jesus can be your Salvation at the end of days - yeah right - but we'll tell you all about it if you come on Scripture Camp...

 It is bad enough that in a contested curriculum the State allows a lay religiously blinded person into a classroom to tell the kids that God created the World in six days as Truth, and in a boring way without a comparative learning about other belief systems and where they come from.

I will move the motion again it is time to remove R.E. from schools and allow local churches to run Sunday School, or Sabbath outside school hours.

Verily I say this joint Chorus of Federal Labor with Liberal/National of breaches of the Australian Constitution with funding for Religious Chaplains in Schools as described in the video attached to this blog is a dischord on my ethical framework.

And let us not forget the Human Rights Commission's findings into our breach of Children's Rights on off-shore detention and other asylum seekers. Where's God when you need Him? Is he with Scott Morrison checking out Cambodia for the next boat load of refugees where whoops! it's their fault if they stand on a land mine!

It's all Divine Providence - is this what you want to comfort and ease the next generations conscience with?

Haven't heard our side saying what a fucking Mortal Sin all this cruelty is. in regards to exploiting the Religious who want to have easy licence to pray to the Sky God in assemblies, to take any moment to share the Truth that the Christian God created everything in the Universe and everything is according to His Will and Plan etc etc Come along to our scripture camp in the school holidays...

I applaud the challenge to the School Chaplaincy Program by Toowoomba parent, Ron Williams has taken to the High Court versus the funding of evangelical Christian chaplains by stealth.(Thanks to our own Attourney General Nicola Roxon), and the promise by incoming Labor leader Julia Gillard to the Christian Lobby in order not to frighten them.

Julia Gillard might have rationalised to her atheism but up until High School she was wedded to a Welsh Calvinist Christianity. I can hear them all know - it did me no harm!

The Ghost of Santa Maria must be bemoaning that his Catholic proteges in Parliament can't get more Catholic Chaplains rather than the Scripture Union Proddies having the opportunity to gain converts.


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