Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Peter Greste: I would be a prime candidate to have my nationality stripped – video | Media | The Guardian

Hear Ye! Hear Yee, and see,

Peter Greste: I would be a prime candidate to have my nationality stripped – video | Media | The Guardian

Australians are better educated than the 1920's when the fascist threat to peace and democracy was on show at the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. 
 By voting for the current Lib/Nat. Abbott Government and it's Machievellan tactics people obviously needed to see and feel the threat for themselves to change their vote - WRONG! - the polls say 80% of Australians support what the Blue Ties are doing and what the Opposition are not doing.

Human Rights Lawyer
This is my Countdown to the big hit and misses which will lead me to write to the State Secretary of Queensland Labor Party(ALP), and resign.

It is incredible how swift these ruling Tories, New Barons, New Guards of Australia can persuade themselves sometimes they will have to do things "by hook or by crook" (P.M. Abbott on methods to turn back the boats).
The 'National Interest' requires the weeds of fascism to grow above the paddock fences and grab those 'suspected' terrorists without trial because they threaten our way of life! Who thought Tony Abbott would transform into Voldemort - I did! 

Being a Labor voter since Bob Hawke came to power, I hate the 'silence' of the ALP in Opposition, State and Federal - who is speaking up for the Commonwealth? Labor should not let legislation pass which encourages miscarriages of justice and untold harm...and raiding the Treasury to do so.

The ALP loves to reference historical Labour reminding themselves how the oppressed masses got organised, learned to read and write, reckoned they were morally principled as a Puritan Parliament...but we know how unsupportive of the actions of Julian Assange were and how nothing ever done to give the truth-teller, his Liberty.   Where was the Labor Government's stand on arbitary detention?

The shining light of equality and opportunity which shone with P.M. Julia Gillard, was the National Disability Scheme and the Gonski Reforms of Education. We would make our society even better.
Tory Tony lied to dismiss the real truth of the Coalition intentions.

Not so long after all the commemorations of the world wars against Fascist Governments Tory Tony is creating one of his own.

Go on, say the word, Bill Shorten, call them for what their Government is displaying - educate the people, not leave them in the dark. Remind yourselves in this commemoration of the 800 year Magna Carta, 
Last year, George Brandis had this to say about the document: “We can trace our constitution back some 800 years to the fundamental principles enshrined in the Magna Carta: limiting arbitrary power, holding the executive to account, and affirming the rule of law.”
Which is presumably what Gillian Triggs had in mind this week, when on the evening of Dutton’s attacks she criticised the government’s proposals to empower a minister to revoke sole Australian citizenship from those suspected of terrorism. Triggs said: “Supremacy of the law over the sovereign – or in today’s parlance, executive – government is under threat in our democracy.
“The overreach of executive power is clear in the yet-to-be-defined proposal that those accused of being jihadists fighting against Australian interests will be stripped of their citizenship if they are potentially dual nationals… Not only may this idea violate Australia’s international obligation not to render a person stateless, but also the detention may be at the discretion of a minister without recourse to judicial processes.” (The Saturday Paper 13/6/15).

AND TO MAKE IT EVEN CLEARER, from Overland e-zine  5/a-child-is-not-a-child-if-she-is-a-refugee/           

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