Sunday, September 6, 2015

SWAN SONGS - Bomb the World w/lyrics

ALL I HEAR is the penetrating silence between bird chatter, and I am spooked - no harsh Super Hornet Jets flying over our house, test piloting, running fossil fuels, costing a fortune. 
On the Insiders Barrie Cassiday asks if Australia is going to bomb Syria and the Cabinet Member doesn't know, can't say...
I know, because my air-space is peaceful, which means theirs won't be.
FLEE now, families of Syria. The psycopathic leaders have the God of Abraham snapping at their macho, hides. Go back to the Goddess origins or be a Humanist and free.


From the day I became an active member of the ALP I was alerting the influential to make our party more attractive to young people, then there was Kevin 07...popular by young and the baby-boomers(even though he did the Sunday church PR).

The Greens shouldn't be slagged off, that is an insult to members like me, who are Green Labor - care about inhumane treatment of other sentient beings. 
There was no agreement from the office blokes of the Right, didn't agree with me, including then Queensland State Secretary Anthony Chisolm who is now comfortably heading for the Senate.

Too many times, I shook my head in disbelief. I respected them as comrades, but sensed the ambition for power was widening the gap between us.

I have been inspired by leaders Bob Brown, Christine Milne and now the new Leader making his mark: This interview should have been coming from a Labor Leader.

Signing off into the baby boomer bolshie radical rainbow, secular humanist Enlightened GREEN band-wagon...
Based on the polling indicators I have a healthy gut feeling.

P.S.  Human Rights Lawyer, Julian Burnside far more Honourable than the currient Parliamentarians of the Old Parties.    refugee-resettlement-getting-the-facts-straight

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