Tuesday, November 29, 2011


In 1990 the first Labor Premier elected in 21 years, Wayne Goss, led the way in reforming the laws of the land with recommendations from the Fitzgerald Inquiry(into Police Corruption).

They de-criminalized same-sex, sexual activity! Yes, my children, after you were born - 1990 -your "Uncle" Anthony and "Auntie" Jayne could be charged with a criminal offense for consenting sexual activity. 

Lest we forget that human rights and dignity is set in stone at birth the National Party in Queensland have always opposed reform based on their religious in-doctrination. They are the "chosen" ones to make a world in their God's image, and that doesn't include people with a different sexuality. 

Even within the progressive Queensland Labor Party there is a struggle between the humanist secular membership and the culturally Catholic members who resist to respect women's rights and decriminilise the 1899 Criminal code on abortion.

Julie  spake from the pulpit of
her Ancestors church at Bredon,
Worcestershire in 2010 - No Need to be
Afraid - be Free and Read widely! 
You may ask what about the "Separation of Church and State" which has become a cliche in these situations. It makes me wonder if we are living in a Theocracy at times...

The insidious influence of the religious high and mighty is shocking for people like me who have seen and read that the historical and ongoing oppression of classes of people has had it's root in non-regulated capitalism and religious ideologies. 

Even with the good news from the Labor Premier Anna Bligh, that the Queensland Government has passed a Civil Union Act - it was too much to delete the remaining crime of sodomy - so that all sexual activity is legal for 16year olds if consensual.

Politicians can circumvent, even exclude discriminatory elements within the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, with excuses like my constituents aren't ready for change. The big priviledge ticket of course that us women are used to is that Members of Parliament can vote according to their Conscience - on our behalf!

It may be only 21 years since  homosexuality was removed from the Criminal Code, but Queensland is the only State in Australia to have a remnant discriminatory `CONSENT law. whi

There is no comprehensive sex education course in Queensland schools. Knowledge of laws and sexual health are a matter of chance:

Section 208 of 1899 has a 14 year imprisonment threat for males or females if they consent to anal sex under 18 years. 
Consent is not accepted as a defense if charged and brought to Court....Age of Consent - what's it all about?

So Queensland politicians and the community are prepared to punish young people through a criminal process(and throw in the Media barage like the recent Cairns abortion pill case), for charges to do with their  private sexual lives (It only takes one spiteful fundamentalist).

With the organised membership drives of evangelical Christianity
 it is important for young people to recognise that they can't be complacent about the liberal democratic lives they take for granted.

If one thinks Queensland Labor is too slow at reform sometimes wait till the Opposing, really conservative members get a majority in the House of Parliament!

Those with political power and/or a Religious mission stemming from stone age Patriarchs don't like to give away their Power and prejudices. 
 They may sincerely feel that people like me are going to a literal Hell and feel pity for me (but not for long).


Courier Mail photo Sept 17 of  Andrew Frazer being sworn in as Deputy Premier of Queensland,
being congratulated by Premier Anna Bligh and Governor Penny Wensley AO.
What wonderful Timing....
Wise and just legislation... He may be "straight" but we're glad he's in the ALP!

The opportunity presented itself to impress the ALP National Conference at the weekend (that a modern secular government does not support  discriminating exclusion in our laws, even in Queensland which is notoriously socially(religiously)conservative.

There's a very good reason MLA Andrew Fraser has become our Deputy Premier of Queensland - he's clever and creative, progressive and professional.  

Kairos, son of Zeus - god of Opportunity
As I have recently returned from the birth place of democracy in Athens I have an added appreciation of the ancient layers of meaning for the Greek word  KAIROS!  

I reckon it is emblematic of what Andrew Fraser has grasped in the workings of  the Queensland Parliament where a vote to support a law to enable same sex couples to show their commitment and public love in
 A CIVIL UNION: Queensland Parliament, Australia was presented and has now passed!

"Our interrelationships define our society and inspire our creativity. Democracy and art are both functions of the truth that we do not live alone. For many of us this communitarian conviction lies at the core of our politics.

We should - in a civil society - not live a fiction through our laws.
Our laws should accept the truth of human relationships."

 ANDREW FRASER presenting a private member's bill to the  Queensland Parliament.

I admired and delighted in the KAIROS which Andrew has taken, being right before the weekend's ALP National Conference in Sydney where the Federal Government found an intensity of purpose to change the Australian Labor Party Platform to change the Commonwealth's Marriage Act so it reflects a modern secular society which governs a special contract between two people.

One day I can call my sister's partner of 25 years

The Kids love having Auntie Deb and Auntie Jayne.
 Kids don't discriminate until they are taught to.
What is  a  CONSCIENCE VOTE all about - that the Prime Minister thinks is an intelligent solution in a secular society?
If the Catholic countries of Spain and Portugal can support gay marriage why not Australia?



Don't Civil Union Me - Will You Marry Me?

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