Friday, February 24, 2012


KEVIN RUDD M.P. won the hearts and minds of Australians who could vote, and couldn't vote, though they would make sure they were enrolled to do so next time.

Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke had the same effect in 1983. It was my virginal vote just turned 20. 

My sense of empowerment was quashed when an official said I wasn't registered!
I assumed as soon as I turned 18 my name would automatically go on the roll!
Nobody had told me, and I was a recent immigrant. I was very disappointed, but I learned my lesson...

Kevin 07 attracted new voters and new branch members - when he was sacked by caucus on June 23, 2010 members resigned and voters despaired, and I haven't heard people say his replacement, Julia Gillard has repaired this feeling.

THE SHOCK of caucus getting rid of Kevin Rudd - their Prime Minister during his term was a disastrous decision. Even today, out in the Brisbane Valley market stalls people come up to me and are upset at what our party did no matter what the reasons were. 

I don't think caucus members have fully realised the depth of grief which was experienced - so much so that a wrong has to be righted.

So what if Kevin had a few low polls - and a few colleagues 

were finding him 'a nightmare' to work with - the fact is, the ALP will get more 'cred' by fixing the karmic wheel. 
We still have good guiding principles and agenda (apart from the human cruelty of extended mandatory detention for refugees).

The leadership crisis reminds me of the overwhelming poll results during the Republican referendum and convention where there was a popular desire for a directly elected Australian President. 
The people want to vote for their leaders. 

The challenge and consequence

The Australian Labor Party can nobly allow a revolution of change in the rules of the Party and Caucus powers, or the  rift could turn into another Split like I've only heard about.

Democratising the Party organisation and caucus will attract new members who what to have a say with a vote that counts, because it is always about the Numbers.

Proof is in the social democratic pudding. The real fair go, mate:

If the comrades keep bickering, the Greens will further flourish with the fertiliser of former Labor members (possibly my husband and I included).

Rudd the revolutionary with the puritan dagginess is a star on the ground, everywhere he goes. I don't really fancy seeing him come out of Church every Sunday again...but I'd be interested to know what the dreams of the collective conciousness this end of Summer's night are...

Ministers et al are politicians and are adept at showing a willingness to adapt and compromise.

Accepting Kevin Rudd back is nothing compared to the truth and adaptation to climate change, acidification of the oceans, y'know  - 'the greatest moral challenge' of all. Both the ALP and global warming could be the death of us once great stars.

Caucus wizen up to this grander Nature, and work for the broad progressive purpose, which Anthony Albanese spoke about, and fight off those Tories?

If party members can't switch so feelings subside and allow the people's decision to be righted we can give the keys to the Lodge to Tony Abbot and conservative cohorts to undo what Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard and team accomplished which the Liberal and Nationals couldn't have even envisioned.

The people want respect for their choices - and nobody is immune from foolish ones. We make mistakes, we can forgive and grant a second chance to K. Rudd to do better.

With such mature wisdom of the elder role models, what a great way to attract young voters to the ALP cause!

Let Australians vote for an Australian Republic with a directly elected President, and let them  have Kevin Rudd back as Prime Minister with all his spit and polish. 


           BOUNDARY CHANGES - from DICKSON to BLAIR - held by Shayne Neuman MP. 


Where I live is blissful - sometimes free
Of guilt, living a life of bohemian luxury;
Lazin' on a sunny Queenslander verandah
Any day of the week, gainfully unemployed.

Top 20 Kinks memories of Nan & Grandad's
Transistor radio on soft grass, bees buzzing around
The Snapdragons, living a life so pleasantly...

This bliss right now, arrived with thoughts about
Non-judgement amidst the honey-eater songs,
After the neighbours race away in a new,
Shiny Porsche to their horse stables,
Worried about virus attacks, carried by bats.

I read in the 'Weekend Australian'
Our P.M. telling the Nation - 
The old Left/Right is an 'anachronism'
Which is baffling.

Bliss, I fear may be over as quickly as it
Settled like pollen, as sudden as shattered
Naivety, shook so my petals drop off.

Best to enjoy this hour before the old
Left/Right binary tugs my blogging heart.

When Westminster exploded and evolved a bit - 1641 Civil wars - pamphlet by Henry Peacham - thanks to

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  1. Love the poem!

    I think the coup against Kevin was a very bad thing. I also think his backing down on his principles when the going got tough was a serious disappointment, and that Julia (much as she s too right-wing for me on some issues) has grown into the PM job and done it better.

    Arrgh! - I deserted Labour for the Greens decades ago, anyhow. That's my way of fighting Tories!

  2. Thankyou Rosemary, we lean to your side of the spectrum on so many things, but still go with the engine that can do the most 'in the best of all possible worlds'(Candide, my reality check!)
