Sunday, April 29, 2012


4.30a.m. Husband switches off  the alarm news: Charles Taylor was convicted of attrocities on the people of Liberia. The sound of pouring rain outside. It is still dark. Whenever it rains we say our favourite word in unison - FECUNDITY - a hug is filled with knowing; the orchard is flowering pink and white blossom. Fruit and nuts will be picked in the near future, the neighbour's happy cows gorge on the magic pudding of green grass. Digger bandicoots will procreate.

Roy will be earning extra for working on a Saturday as a Public servant - Caring for people with disabilities - much appreciated fought for Rights at Work(AWU).  I can't keep a regular job but I am committed to the cause of social democracy. I dress for an adventure to the far reaches of the rural Somerset Shire - MT KILCOY - to hand out 'How To Vote' leaflets. 

EVERY VOTE COUNTS rain or shine. 


I SMS Jim to check the roads are safe to where I'm going - It will take me 1half hrs to get there on the wet roads, a couple of wrong turns, and over flowing creek! 

Being a small booth with 400 registered voters it's not too busy and the other booth workers are friendly and sharing of their gazebo. Our Council elections are not based on political party affiliations, but it didn't take long to listen and gather the clues that I was probably the only Leftie in the village!

What we had in common was our civility, bonhomie and common interest in the cultural life of the Shire via the well regarded Esk Choir, the singing Scotsman of Kilcoy and the Toogoolawah Art Group. We were all agreed the new Civic Hall and Theatre was a great investment and started to envisage what kind of performance program would suit the grand opening.

In this little pocket of Kilkoy 130 Km's from home it was a lovely surprise to be with the arty crowd! Then another volunteer from Jim's team (who worked for Federal Labor M.P.Shayne Neumann) drove up with refilling refreshments. On a cool and wet day, a hot coffee and a large box of hot chips for everyone to share was a Madonna-send!
Whenever you drive out of your comfort-zone of home, it is astounding the distances between towns. The Somerset is a small portion of the Federal electorate of Blair which Shayne Neumann diligently traverses in order to represent the views of the whole electorate.

Fernvale Markets mobile office 2010
The old Esk Shire, now incorporates Kilkoy  Shire making it
Somerset Regional Council. Whilst I in the Southern end feel culturally
closer to Ipswich - Kilkoy folk feel closer to Caboolture! And there-in-
the middle lies the town with the mystical mountain - ESK - 
 still has the introduced species of  Red Deer wandering  among the Grass Trees..........

I am naturally going to be provocative living in a rural area(especially in Queensland). Voters come and have a chat with their neighbours and don't hesitate to talk about the days working for Joh. (National Party Premier for three decades). Obviously with the rout of Labor they are feeling very cocky.

Unlike my Nan who said she didn't talk about Politics or Religion I am obsessed with the journey of both! Poetry and Politics have been my raison d'etre due to my life experiences. I can't avoid, adding discordant notes to a conversation when it includes mean ideologies being saluted, or as Martin Luther King said: Not staying Silent about the things that Matter.

The consensus was the Conservatives only know how to manage the economy - the idea that the Tories save money and Labor spends it all is to my mind BS!

I didn't want to debate the fact hoarding money in the Commonwealth Treasury without re- investing into things like job training and education runs down the sector, then it takes the ALP to catch up from the neglect! 

Instead I made the NDIS a local issue, as I know there are going to be Nationwide rallies to promote the cause. I say the great reform of the National Disability Insurance Scheme which the ALP government under Rudd and Gillard has committed to - I hope will be bi-partisan and share the same time-line, as the sector can't wait anymore. It is the unfinished business of Medicare from the ALP Whitlam Government of 1972.

My idea of the new Council using some of its money to audit people with disabilities on what the Somerset could provide to enable them to participate in the life of their region in preparation for the NDIS was met with silence.

I guess the expense of Social Justice was worrying them?

I said within our Shire are isolated and when they do go out they can't shop because their wheelchairs can't get through doors. To survey these people who experience this on a daily basis would allow the Council to identify the needs for people with disabilities who live and visit the Somerset.

One person quipped it might be better not to find out as the findings might be a lot worse than you could provide for... Even so, the aging population alone will be challenging. It can't be shoving people out of sight, out of mind anymore.

To listen and learn and advocate for funding to improve the individuals concerned and mutual benefits between businesses and services. One woman suggested I sounded like a Politician which I took as a compliment but I explained that with my chronic mental illness I couldn't cope with the pressures and whinging!

My passion/compassion to be an activist on this issue arises from casual jobs working as a Diversional Therapist, Residential Care Officer in Ipwich and Gatton in recent years.

The Productivity Commission's report on a NDIS has ticked off my continuing support for the ALP in it's will to implement the scheme - being in tune with Labor's promise of A FAIR GO. 

4.30PM   There is a slow trickle of people, so I decide to drive home before it get's dark - I've done my bit for the progress of society today. Billy Bragg can serenade me around the windy wet Somerset Dam road to the long, long grass of home.

MONDAY MORNING and JIM MADDEN has won a seat on Somerset Regional Council.....and


Yet there are low opinion polls and speculation of the ALP needing a new Leader to face the next election. There's no pleasing everyone, even on your own side.

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