Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Canberra Curtain lifts on Politics by Polling

YOU ONLY HAVE TO SIT AND THINK ON THE GRASSY MOUND OF CANBERRA'S PARLIAMENT HOUSE TO REALISE YESTERDAY'S SPIT THE DUMMY BY Minister for the Arts etc, SIMON CREAN was an effective way to transition for retirement - to the back-bench and a quick calibration for the Parliamentary folks...

SIT AND CONSIDER THE LEAVES OF GRASS  AND NOTHING IS NEW UNDER THE SUN AND the fact that our Westminister system of Parliament grew out of the English Civil War and Commonwealth 1642-1660 and it's all fairly typical of the vitality of ego's thinking they're doing the best for their party and the country and themselves(choose the order!), with an airing of John Lennon on Radio National Breakfast...

It's true and it's not - what John Lennon sung: It's bewildering the machinations of  politics it's a wonder there is anything done, but under a minority Gillard Government there has been plenty of legislative reform like the NATIONAL DISABILITY INSURANCE SCHEME (completing the Medicare reforms of Whitlam and Hawke).
You can't say the same about the Opposition. They only make a country stagnate. I believe there is a deep-seated patriarchal envy of Tony Abbott against Prime Minister Gillard because he once dreamed of being a great Labor leader when he first signed up to the ALP but they wouldn't endorse him for pre-selection so he went to the Liberals!!!
The past being ever-present Abbott was tainted with the major Catholic split to the DLP of Bob Santa Maria who was young Tony's mentor.

Of course the Past is always with us, let me count the ways: A National Apology for the Forced Adoptions of babies to unmarried women was hijacked by the Crean's combustion when a thousand women and their descendents were acknowledged as being the victims of previous policies by a cruel and controlling society justified by their belief in Church and State ideologies.

IT WAS GOUGH WHITLAM's short-lived ALP Government  who brought a single mother's pension to make it easier to keep their child, because in the majority of cases the father figure had moved on.

That makes 3 Apologies to THE STOLEN GENERATION, FORGOTTEN AUSTRALIAN'S AND FORMER CHILD MIGRANTS, & FORCED ADOPTIONS - and what they all have in common is a root misogynist cause against Great Grandmother Eve in the Abrahamic creation myth of Genesis and the laws  the sons of Adam created in Laws against them.

When women dominate the seats in Parliament will we see more stability and sophistication in the entanglement for agenda control? Peering into Lake Burley Griffin may reveal a future picture.

I HAD A DREAM on Monday night where I was going between Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard knowing I had some influence with my vote - that I admired both leaders and would be happy with either, but it came down to giving what the people of  Australia had voted for and had ripped away.

The insult to their franchise would need to be mended by re aligning of the stars back to where they rightfully belonged, but the whole episode made me wake up with an ill-foreboding. It truly did. Plus I am intrigued why my sub-conscious placed Kevin's wife taking visitors from her hospital bed?

More silliness for the former Arts Minister and Labor Leader Simon Crean: 

AUSSIE MARTYRS - The Gillies Report 07

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