Saturday, October 5, 2013


There is no rational explanation how people pick a person to lead them. It's like picking a horse for some. As the recent Federal election showed by picking arch-Conservative, with a muscular soldier Jesuit's discipline...Anthony(Tony) Abbott is now Australian Prime Minister with a Senate of even far-right, far-out members to decide our destiny.

The Gospel according to most LNP's is proving to be anti-woman, anti-science, anti-christian. There is Hope in our Under18's though as this article reports: A HARD-RIGHT LESSON FOR JESUIT STUDENTS OF SYDNEY

Thankfully the ALP has provided the best therapy to it's members to restore hope and integrity to it's mission of a 'Fair Go' by letting them select their preferred Challenger and one day Champion for the good old cause.

We have two quality candidates in Anthony Albanese and Bill Shorten. Surprisingly they were ready to spring into a fresh campaign with their comrades.

I'm not in a Faction like I'm not in a Religion. However I am more like-minded with the Left of progressive politics, so when I received my favourite female M.P.s letter in my e-mail in-box to support Anthony Albanese I was pulled up smart to take my ballot paper and put him first (but I didn't have the postal vote yet).

Then something else happened in the annals of my Her Story - being a Faction - Free Spirit, I took a Flight of Fancy and decided to put my number 1 next to BILL SHORTEN. This Sabbath I share with you the Mystery of the prime example of being touched(in the many meanings of the word):
Is Divine Providence at work giving the Papist's a fair go in the big house on the hill in Canberra?
Press to my personally spiritual preaching at  -

Sharng the good news to my ancestors: women have the vote and are vicars!
St.Giles Anglican Parish Church Bredon, Worcestershire 2009.

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