Friday, March 7, 2014


FREEDOM FIGHTERS of any kind in any Age resort to violence when their civil demands and negotiations are frustrated, when Promises are made and broken, when the abuse of power and privilege of Prejudiced Parliamentarians, requires an impolite protest - 

New Zealand 1895 and Australia 1902 led the world in votes for women. Australia's first Socialist Prime Minister Andrew Fisher had "Welfare measures introduced by the Fisher government included the implementation of invalid pensions and old age pensions for women under the 1908 Act, and an increase in the pension in 1912. The Maternity Allowances Act 1912 granted European mothers five pounds on the birth of a child. The government also passed the Commonwealth Workmen’s Compensation Act 1912.LABOR IN OFFICE WITH ANDREW FISHER
MRS MARGARET FISHER, wife of Australian Prime Minister is part of the Australia and New Zealand contingent of the Votes for Women protest in London 1911. 40,000 marched

This Page acknowledges the Truth of the battles FEMINISTS have fought over Time, within themselves, their families, their work, their society. My primary school motto was apt: Knowledge is Power & brilliant medical expertise and care by staff of my home town, Selly Oak, Birmingham!

I'm not sure if any of my relations were active women's rights campaigners - all I know is what my Nan told me when I was an adult and trying to initiate a conversation:

"I don't talk about religion or politics".

 Gulp...that's what I am keen to explore...perhaps survival and being a responsible mother more than filled the time of working-class women. 
By keeping your mouth shut and heads down one avoids challenge and conflict and they had enough of that with the husband and kids! 
Hednesford, Cannock cousins of the 1920's.

Nan came from coal-mining stock of Staffordshire UK - girls were ready for domestic service in and boys to use their muscle(or anything they liked really).
The girls could become pregnant consenting or not, the same as in many developing countries today. 
Unionism, socialism and feminism were in the public square, beyond Nan and Nan's sphere.

Both my Nans bore the brunt of sanctimonious attitudes of babies born 'illegitematly' with tragic consequences for their off-spring of not knowing their biological mother.
Did they feel the injustice of their lot in life? The fact they both had to keep a shameful secret at their core?

What makes me carry the torch for past and current cruel policies against women? Must have been all those champagne socialists of the BBC feeding me dramas; The Suffragettes!

What I do know is the Horses were a popular past-time, so the Nation was shocked when the extreme tactics of a womans rights campaigner stopped a Horse race, as seen in this footage:


  • In February 1918 the Representation of the People Bill received Royal Assent.  This Act  gave most women over the age of 30 the right to vote.
  • For the same voting rights as men, women had to wait another ten years. The Equal Franchise Act 1928, which gave women the vote on same terms as men, received Royal Assent on 2 July 1928.
Westminster and The first duly elected M.P. for Sinn Fein(Dublin) - is an Irish Republican!!

THIS INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY is always a cause for celebrations for women's perseverence to achieve women's rights in HER LIFE. However, all is tempered to remind ourselves what it took to get there;  you can't accept the Bosses or the Law Makers being Men to even consider or prioritise the needs and wishes of the daughters of cursed by God Himself, Eve.

THE ROOTS of Patriarchy which resist, delay and frustrate rational, a just and respectful society has still to make waves and practical policies today.

Although Australian Labor is regarded as progressive in recent times there has been a "socially conservative - right faction" formed to combat the progress of  life and death issues of individuals. Where is this inteference coming from? 

Even within Feminism, literate, middle-class women contested their 'inferiors' who wanted universal suffrage. They wanted to be equal to men of their own class, votes given to responsible people like  'responsible' property owners.

Putting barriers up to safe abortions when they are required by a woman (like myself) is about economic equity. Women with money can afford what they like and women who can't rely on secular charities like Children for Choice to help them with costs and travel expenses.

The ALP members who are actively pursuing an anti-abortion agenda, or reinforce the Victorian criminal codes which can put a woman in prison and ruin her life need to question their moral authority over another Sister.

But these debates and excuses against women's autonomy have been going on longer than you may realise...

In 1647 at a Church in Putney, London, the Leveller faction of Parliament's New Model Army petitioned the Generals for Universal(male)Sufferage.
Their wives and supporters demanded the right for women too, while you're at it! 
Who or what is behind all this discrimination? What excuses do they give?
Pakistani exile Malala says The Taliban doesn't want girls to be educated and make up their own minds.

HERSTORY - 400 years ago the MPs tried to make a demeaning joke about women getting the vote and imagining what would happen!

A Satirical woodcut on the idea of women voting in the Westminster Parliamentary elections!
 The worse case scenario in 1648 and in the New/Old Tories of 2014...

"International Women’s Day this week/year, it is worthwhile looking at what changes have helped us achieve greater gender equality in our parliaments. History shows that when you change the rules, and don’t just rely on the passage of time or goodwill, only then do you get change. The Australian Labor Party’s adoption of the Affirmative Action (AA) quota in 1994 demonstrates this to be the case for women’s representation in the Federal Parliament." Affirmative Action in the ALP

There is still so much to argue and persuade and march for, even within the membership and hierachies of the ALP. Women's lives everywhere are at stake. 
The Religious Right who want to reinforce a moral authority in Parliament with lawful interventions against Health professionals and consenting Patients who want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy are leading us all on a garden path of a theocracy.

Don't let their Willful Labor votes against reproductive services be done! This is not only for you and your Sisters, it is for those impoverished women overseas who require our aid for contraception and sex education, giving them choices in family planning. Do what you can with the talents you have. Keep up the argument against abortion as a criminal act from the attitudes and knowledge of the 1800's. 
The Pope or any other Patriarch should not be continuing to influence the minds of our politicians on your biological management.

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