Friday, January 30, 2015


This Queensland State Election campaign has been a big KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. DON'T MENTION CLIMATE CHANGE, KILLING COAL, GRASPING JOBS FROM THE GIFT OF THE SUN...

I did say this to Jim at pre-polling and of course he agreed!


The LNP Premier Newman did call the election as parents prepared the Preps for primary and high schools, and workers holiday avoiding political machinations from the Media. 

Did he really think the voters were stupid - not saving up their powerful franchise?
Politicians rely on short memories of what voters didn't like and the Opposition try to remind them. Even so, it is all very shallow with little detail of HOW things will be achieved. SOLAR INVESTMENT - GRANDKIDS - EASY PEASY

Being a political passionista I remember the tearing down of Labor's legislation which protected the environment against the rapacious addiction of making money at any cost.

From the day the LNP went into mass majority government they Repealed laws to permit LAND CLEARING, pollute pristine rivers, damage coral reefs. Somerset Councillor Jim Madden had joined our Somerset branch(formerly Wivenhoe). He was on the Healthy Waterways board, had a Science degree aswell as being a local Lawyer.
Somerset branch held a meeting devoted to the Attourney General's autocratic dismissal of Parliamentary tradition and principles with the VLAD laws. 

Loving their Union Jack flag and Monarchy the Attorney-General attacked the integrity of the processes and separations between the State and Law; Westminster Parliamentary tradition had evolved involveing struggles in blood. 

We were all reminded and frightened about the return of the Bjelke Peterson regime which toppled in the early 1980's after 3 decade. Now the current government of the LNP was showing they acted more like the 15th century PRINCE by Machievelli.

Then we have those Dissenters of the LNP party machinary.


Going to Pre-poll at Brassall Hanson got my attention on a bill-board - her candidate and her red head surrounded by a halo of stars (of course from the flag). How Brazen!So thoroughly hateful as her candidate points out their mantra for election: no Mosques, No Halal, No Burqua!

This provocative and hateful woman inciting division in a region which is so White!


                                                        LEADING LABOR

What is behind so much distrust in Politicians when they deflect from the evidence to back up policy action - like paying deference to the appetite of the coal and minerals industry at the expense of the environment, indeed the planets weather! Perhaps a course in Buddhism CAUSE AND EFFECT!

SOMERSET Branch of the ALP in the Brisbane Valley, campaigns for
Ipswich West with Jim Madden, and Nanango electorates..

I will be hoping for a win for Annastacia Palaszczuk in Inala and to lead a Queensland Labor Government. Naturally, instinctively, I agree with the majority of their ALP Party Platform but it's damn slow to put it into action!
(eg. repealing abortion law which has been in the platform for over 10 years).

I might be a little bit too Left for some, but the 2012 landslide to the LNP gave them a taste of returning to an authoritarian, Joh Bjelke-Peterson style Government, denigrating ordinary people and creating a Police State and Private business era corruption, reminding us of how quickly it can go back.

The Ego's are so large in many Politicians(testesterone fuelled?). I perceive they do believe they have a Divine Right once they have the People's vote even in a Secular Westminister tradition, (although the Chaplains in schools enthusiasm shows more theocracy than democracy).

So down to the Fernvale booth I go, mulling over my ideas to reform the system.
Fernvale booth presents a civil society - Paul from Fernvale up with the Sun to set up the booth
before the LNP get there! Well done.

ELECTORAL proposals from me : Lead the change, show your ethical back-bone: legislate a maximum of dollars each Party can use for an election campaign. 
It will make them more creative. They could hire artists to show them how to get the wow factor out of the box! Hire my husband and I to do a puppet show for YouTube...Yes you can change things.

It's the end of the Labor line membership for hubby and I. Handing out how to vote for a return to Labor Government, then Scrutineering. 


My Mental Health requires Peace, and hearing Christine Milne et al the words I believe in - taking the reality and moral challenge up to the population and major 'old' parties with the facts. 

I've enjoyed the experience and met some lovely Labor members, but I can't handle the increasing inner conflicts on the outsider view.

No sneaky machinations - the FACTS. Climate and human rights matter. I wrestle with my Soul and the ALP which requires an increase in medication.....Fact.

3 years ago I had a vision of a Labor/Green alliance!
But the State Secretary didn't agree 

  Every time I hand out how to vote flyers I imagine how good it would be to have a digital board at each gate where Party Preferences can be read. One poster in each electoral booth to consult and you would stop the WASTE of colour glossy printing reams of trees that have a 5 minute benefit.

Will report back after the tally.....on the STAMINA, INTELLIGENCE and GRASS-ROOTS CAMPAIGNING on 3 hours sleep is what candidates do to make a difference for the community, and themselves.

Annastacia Palaszczuk & Jim Madden of the Somerset branch and candidate for Ipswich West will do a much better job than the authoritarian LNP.

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