Saturday, February 2, 2013

Climate change blamed for Australia's extreme weather - environment - 29 January 2013 - New Scientist

The man who wants to be Prime Minister, TONY ABBOTT M.P. has a Grand Design

    of being in the Lodge for Christmas, by repealing the carbon tax because 
Lockyer Fresh food bowl 2013

it is not what we need right now.

His lights will be paid by the Commonwealth but the people will pay the price when there's no homes to let - because we can't keep up with the regularity of destructive weather predicted by 99 percent of scientists in the world.

Laidley Main St. pic by Neil Cahill

Even now the LNP in Queensland are having to decide whether moving North Bundaberg to higher ground like the Grantham Council in the Lockyer Valley did in the floods of two years ago...but nobody says because climate change is really happening now.

 Pic by Bec Irvin via Wayne Gaddes - Mud Army of St Mary's Laidley.

Science is overwhelming in it's cause and effects scenario's, but there is a mass denial. I have not heard any senior journalist ask our politicians is this climate change in action. Have you?

The photos above were taken 20 mins up the Highway from me is another little Aussie battler rural township of Laidley in the Lockyer Valley: They grow a lot of vegetables. Now it is a stinking muddy mess after this 'natural catastrophe', and all hands are on deck to get back to normal. Can it ever be normal again?
The Australian Labor Party finally got a carbon tax through to do the right thing in changing the way we live so these weather events are not frequent and severe, and having the money to pay for investment in renewable energy.

The carbon pollution cause of global warming and the increase in sea levels and severe weather across the world isn't even part of the reasoning by the LNP Government who show disregard for knowledge and understanding of the sustainability of our ecology.

They mustn't have any grandchildren yet.

Of course local councils are the culprit in allowing developers to build on risky sites and low-set brick houses that don't suit local climate conditions. It's like bringing up children - if you don't consistently do the right thing by them it will end up being harder work! 

Many rural councils are run by Farmers - you would think they would take notice of the Science, the evidence of thermal ice melts, the acidification of the oceans, the record breaking weather reports on the nightly news...but there is a history in Queensland of not respecting academic knowledge. 
I've asked questions of local councillors who fobbed me off with   prophecies of Nostradamus...Yes really.They stick to their particular religious guide, encourage Creationism in Science classrooms obviously thinking that all this is God's Providence - He is their insurance plan. They are discreet with their beliefs and influence on Conservative policies, these old patriarchs are putting my grandchildren's lives under threat.

In the mainstream media no "journalist" has asked the first or last question of the The Premier of Queensland Campbell Newman if he now believed a carbon tax was needed to combat the effects of climate change?

All sides of politics have been presented with the consequences of non-action and typically waited until the last minute to start thinking about policies. This week the LNP moaned about all the money that was needed to recover from the destruction of the previous recovery efforts.

The Premiers are all hassling for the Commonwealth for more recovery monies but support the Federal Coalition in repealing the tax which has been created to a)prevent the carbon in the atmosphere which is causing these extra intense fires and floods and b)using the money to deal with it.

SO if I had been a senior journalist I would have asked: 

Premier, Your LNP Government's first job was to abolish the Climate Change office in Queensland which focused on adaptation strategies for the effects of  global warming -

Do you now support the Scientific consensus these regular, severe weather events are a result of climate change and thus support the continuation of a carbon pollution tax? and refer him to NEW SCIENTIST

Climate change blamed for Australia's extreme weather - environment - 29 January 2013 - New Scientist

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott: Do you support the evidence of Scientists at the CSIRO, the recent extreme weather events have begun and repealing of the Carbon pollution would still be in the National interest?I must apologise to the journalists who have kept me informed over the last 25 years on the increasing issue of global warming, acidification of the oceans, thermal ice melt releasing methane gas - from programs on ABC Radio National like The Science Show.

                                                                IPSWICH - Thank you to the Australian Workers Union for negotiating for FLOOD LEAVE for people like my husband who works for Dept. Disability Services.
And photo by Wayne McDonnell
                                          GLAMORGAN VALE - BRISBANE VALLEY
2011 - My road, no power for 3 days but High and Dry
2013 Road clear, but power out again.

Not talking about Climate Change is like Basil Faulty(aka John Cleese)advising us to not talk about the War, like it's impolite and taboo.

The Bureau of Meteorology added a new colour to the weather temperature maps only a couple of weeks before as temperatures broke all known records and bushfires went on their destructive path.

Direct Action man who would be P.M. Tony Abbott  filled sandbags for a while, because he's a good bloke, (yeah right)
but was he silently thinking, how am I going to admit I was wrong on urgent carbon levels reduction because the outcome will be like an apocalypse. Have we got a policy plan for this if it happens again so soon?
Faith, he must say to himself - God will guide me. The main thing is to be the Prime Minister; I'm not going to   get tongue-tied with scientific jargon.Not a good look....            

My house in the middle of our street - did you know with a bit of passion our whole town could be powered by solar thermal energy? 

“Retreat” strategies place responsibility on to planners, councils and state government, as well as individual households. In the face of regular flooding and inundation some locations are simply going to be unsustainable. This will become even worse as climate change brings about sea level rise which will extend up tidal estuaries into city centres, and bring an increase in severe storms and floods."

You can participate in The Conversation on a series of articles about Australia's adaptation to Climate Change at


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