Sunday, January 26, 2014

Captain Cook - Supreme Scientific Mission

It's Australia Day 2014  What will this Australian-dual citizen with UK do with such an inner conflict?!
                                     Read Anne Summers media link

Then Reflect on the anniversary of the First Fleet of Ships arriving to plant the flag of occupation; British Law & Order down-under. It was 26th January 1788 and Captain Arthur Phillip was going to fulfill his duty to his King and Country to establish a new colony to solve the excess of convicts, many sitting in hulks on the Thames River. 

Whether it was shipping and selling the persecuted Irish Catholics to the Carribean Islands(in the thousands) during the 17th Century, or making Britain Great with black slaves, to today's indefinite detention on former colonial islands like Manus Island today for mostly Muslim asylum seekers, the template by us white civilised mob continues -
off-shore, out of sight, out of mind.
The Politics of the powerful, even for my own M.P. with a Faith in the God of Abraham is to perpetuate inhumane solutions. Prime Minister Rudd was truly in a tight spot when he condoned indefinite mandatory detention to tent camps with risk of mental torture, physical and sexual assaults. 
The PNG police warned a young man who had been raped that he was under their law and homosexuality was a crime whether consented to or not. This is what my party did before Abbott took over the concentration camps.

I'm ashamed of white fella Australia right now for these modern day crimes against humanity and International Law - 1778 or 2014  - it's diabolical what humans will do to those without any power, especially women and children.

Education Minister Pyne wants to white wash the history curriculum again so our children are ignorant of the shameful truth of the dark side of human history.   
                                                                     My Mum was a Forgotten Child Migrant - and in this book Ireland finds out
Slavery was not only an African horror - the Irish Catholics were 'the niggers of the world'. (The Commitments). 

I love my home, my Australia, except today I would rather cry: continual disrespect and ignoring people's rights by the Liberal and National Party Federal and State Governments - and another Australia Day - public holiday which signifies - 

The Day of invasion of the First Indigenous Australians country - who lived here for 50,000 years before the British red coats landed with muskets. A day which commemorates Aboriginal ancestors being dispossessed of their lands by violence.

I haven't got the heart to celebrate. It's the wrong date. Imagine if anybody dared to have a party on Anzac Day or Armistice of WW1 - grieving for the members of your family killed, massacred - that is what we are doing. 
Let's change the date.



If today's Australian/Tory politicians under Tony Abbott had been around in the Age of Enlightenment they would have argued against sending Captain Cook on such a journey. What a waste of time and money looking at the Stars!

They're not really Liberals now, but with all the wonders of Scientific knowledge, a part of our everyday lives the Liberal-Coalition Government have devalued our children's future by being contemptuous of  positive policies towards the future. 

The recent Gonski recommendations reported to the Labor Government for a needs base funding model. Why would our leaders not lead us out of the stagnation of Science and Maths education in Australia?

Symbolically and practically the Cabinet do not value scientific education, industry research and development or having a Minister for Science. They ignore the consensus science on climate change from world scientists at our peril.

What would Captain of Science James Cook have thought of these Tories who act like pre-Enlightenment politicians? 

Message for Minister for Education, Christopher Pyne
Get the Chaplains out of the schools and pay for Scientists and Mathematicians who can share the love of exploration and facts of life - the Supernatural is for the Sabbath, not School!
Mango Maccallum blogs the state of National Curriculum

  1. 1768-1771 Captain James Cook sent on a Scientific Mission  - extend knowledge of Astronomy especially observe the transit of Venus.
  2. 1772-1775  The Mission to explore the Southern Hemisphere and reports back the facts of Australia.
  3. 1776-1778 Find  a Northern passage from the Pacific to Atlantic oceans.
Yet the goals of scientific voyages went far beyond charting lands. Elaborate studies of natural history, astronomy and oceanography were undertaken. Scientists accompanied the commander and crew on board, and space was made for chronometers, telescopes, specimen bottles and boxes, paints and palettes, chemicals, sounding apparatus and a wide assortment of equipment and instruments." Voyages of Scientific exploration

  1. My photo at Nourlangie Rock - Northern Territory. Somebody is recording something different out to sea.

    I arrived in Melbourne with my family from Birmingham UK on 13 January 1978 (last of the ten pound poms).

    THE WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY 1901 was part of Australia's psyche for a very very long time. Repealed in 1973 by Gough Whitlam. It takes generations to root it out.
Every January 26th I feel fortunate to be here.
My mum and her other child migrant pals from the orphanages of 1950 Britain told me - "we were treated like shit - but at least we weren't black!"

Photo: White Australian Policy: My future husband Roy McNeill 14 yrs old with family on the Fairstar for 6 weeks, paid by Commonwealth Govt. 1967. 
I would go by Qantas age 14yrs in 1978. We would meet in Melbourne, 1984. That's fate.
My future husband age 14 with his Yorkshire family 1964 on the Fair Star. 

Every year I wish we would have an Australia Day to include the First Australians. 

I propose the day we include the First Australians in the Australian Constitution is the day we change Australia Day to a date we can all celebrate.

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