Sunday, January 5, 2014


JANUS is the month I look back and plan forward, making the most of my life for 2014. Resolutions include:

I must not turn the ABC news on before I've written some of my novel set in London during Cromwell's Commonwealth in the 17th century; working title - Love in an English Republic. link here to
More Info about Providence or Love In an English Republic

I must not turn the ABC news on until Noon and I've e-mailed branch members to ask their thoughts on organising something special for International Women's Day 2014 - Saturday March 8th.

Ideas for V.I.P. speakers - have to be invited A.S.A.P. before the social fabric of  Brisbane sets their schedule with little time for our humble gathering of comrades in the Brisbane Valley.

In default mode I bend down to switch on the voice of South Australian Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi heading the ABC news at 6 a.m.

So, Senator Bernardi - is trying to sell his new book about a "Conservative Revolution".He claims his rhetoric is common sense. He stimulates his ignorance from listening to the hateful U.S.Republican right-wing "Tea Party"(who are funding African Pastor/Politicians who are legislating homosexuals to death). 

He calls Humanist women like me pro-death mongers, yet he was a warrior against Labor's Carbon reduction and Responsibility Schemes which countenance death for all species on Earth and Sea!

As kids being bullied we would return their name-calling with "You are what you say to us!" Like the LNP Queensland Parliamentarians Senator Bernardi has not learned why the separation of Church and State was vital to our Westminster system of Parliament.

He has no qualms fighting against pollution taxes which are threatening his and our children's existence.The truth is in the Bible not the evidence of the Sciences that created our medicines, technologies or understanding of how we have to work with Nature not destroy it.
Bernardi is so close in character to the Puritans I am studying. Their new society is one moral code fits all and it's moral policeman is Cory not Cromwell and Co.

The Godly Senator preaches adherence to the God of Abraham he was brought up with, then castigates his cousin Islam. Cory is Adam to procreate with the Divinely cursed Eve. All her pain and suffering and unwanted pregnancies are a burden to bear as punishment for her eternal sins.

As the son of Adam, a man is the dick- Head and decides a woman's conscience about her health. Even though she manages her reproductive state from 10 to 60 years!

Penny Wong and Sophie Allouache welcome baby girl
Senator Penny Wong(ALP) with family 2013

Labor MP Anthony Albanese rightly responded the Senator is divisive. Leader Bill Shorten said it's offensive to denigrate non-traditional families.

As a woman I am certain the termination of a pregnancy was the best thing I did 25 years ago. My battle against the Catholic doctors on the board of a public hospital in country Victoria were minuscule compared to the life-time sentence of my grandmothers forced to pregnancy.

They were forced to stay reclusive and pregnant and give their babies up with despicable and unnecessary consequences. I say to Senator Bernardi and your kind - the conversation, the policies, the funding of reproductive health choices in Australia(and in foreign aid) is not your problem!
As the placards aptly say: keep your rosaries off my ovaries!

So, Senator you are a tool...of your “Conservative Revolution” . The P.M. Tony Abbott drew his “Battle Lines” before his official campaign for the Prime Minister position.I wouldn't purchase or read for nothing these books - I know what kind of Patriarchal(and misogynist politicians you are, and that you will dismantle what progress has been made.

We are free-born individuals but whereas you were nurtured and not abused in the nest of Roman Catholicism and devout parenting, the Priest looked at my bastard mother’s nativity scene and told her I was “illegitimate” according to Canon law because she had married an Anglican!

You want no separation of powers of State and Religion. You want Devolution! Cory, you may have special needs for your learning difficulties.

The Liberal Senator who is not really a Liberal is typical of those who are selective in their humanity.
Does he worry about the children and people in the concentration camps in our names, off the Australian mainland? Do their precious lives already here, count in your sanctity of Life by creating another Hell on earth driving people to suicide?

You seek the headlines without acknowledging the rights of women you seek to impose your Godly will upon. You come from a very shallow policy base, where the wholistic life-journey of
females doesn’t include extra affordable public housing, domestic violence refuges, more secure, less casual employment and training opportunities(you know, Work Choices) and a livable wage rate.

With the ego-mania of B.A.Santa Maria, mentor to Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Cardinal George Pell you are claiming to be a revolutionary. Former ALP leaders Bill Hayden and Gough Whitlam were revolutionaries when they brought in policies to enhance the lives of women by introducing the Single Women’s Pension and Medicare in 1972.

You are an anti-Life politician because you are an anti-rational, anti-scientific mouthpiece against the ecological sustainability for life on Earth with the willful blindness described by David Suzuki on the evidence of global warming.

Terminating a pregnancy is not evil, Senator or by implication the woman who has one. I can remember thinking even if I would consider allowing a baby to develop and give birth I could not rely on the Church or Government to look after it in a good way with a duty of care.

My mum was put in a Catholic Orphanage because her unmarried mother had to earn a living in the munitions factory during World War 2. When they were full she was put on a ship to Australia.

The under-staffed, exploited nuns tortured, not nurtured...Mum wasn’t a fee paying private school girl. She was made for cheap labour. The boys could add to a population of conscripts in times of war. Even today with all this nonsense by the not very Honourable Senator he is not demanding investments in a sustainable life-time for the children of today and tomorrow. Tell me when at any time of history a government doesn’t begrudge any decent amount of money for children in their guardianship.

The Royal Commission of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse findings shows that the hierarchies of men protect the arses of other men in their ranks, so my political passion looks towards International Women’s Day 2014 preserving values and traditions laid down for us from the Leveller women of the English Civil War to the Suffragettes and Union women continuing the work for equality and Pro-choice dignity of life.

Sally Neighbour's perceptive and factual article is here:

Senator, in reply to your desire for everybody to return to the traditional institutions and superior values you hold your ignorance astounds me. THEY DIDN'T WORK! They discriminated and hurt many children and women in particular.

Your values are about control and excluding people. They endorse wars like against Vietnam and Iraq - spending billions of dollars which could have been creating services to suit the needs of it's population.
Your institutions were responsible for policies and practices that caused generational rifts in families, ruined people's lives like the thousands of children in orphanages or work-houses.
Those Christian politicians who passed laws to steal babies from their mothers or force them to be pregnant when they had been raped acted from their own selfish agendas. 
Look back and you will discover our society was only as good as class and gender allowed it to be. Only Science and Suffrage brought about our democracy, and opportunities for girls and women. 
After much resistance from men like you who say the traditions which stood the test of time are written in stone, I say your argument and public utterances are an oxymoron and totally narcissistic. 

Suffragettes Are Not CriminalsLest we forget the women who fought the war against women's rights and liberation. These are pictures to show what a real revolutionary looks like.

A dvd worth watching.

Abortion, Corruption and Cops - The Bertram Wainer Story


Duration: 1 x 52'
In 1967 a young woman came to Dr Bertram Wainer's Melbourne surgery seeking emergency medical treatment after a backyard abortion. She was desperately ill yet too afraid to go to hospital. For Wainer this was the start of a long, hard struggle to overturn laws that made abortion an offence punishable by up to 15 years in jail. In the process he uncovered a web of corruption involving highly paid doctors, backyard abortionists, high-ranking police and power-broking politicians. It would lead to attempts against his life and the first major public enquiry into a state police force, as he fought to make abortions accessible, affordable and safe.
Senator Bernardi says single parents will have daughters who are promiscuous and sons criminals.I have always wondered why boys are held up high on a pedestal for being a slut? They are no different than we areFirst They Came for the Jews, attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller:
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Abbotts-bitterest-foes--his-coalition-colleagues links to story about the challenge of Senator Bernardi to his own comrades.


  1. Too bloody right. Great blog Julie. Liz xo

  2. HI Julie, it is interesting that you give the poem, Came for the Jews, as Cory would think he was speaking out to protect babies. Furthermore, Bernardi did not say that all children of single mothers will turn out badly, he just said it was more likely that would have difficulties. Single mother headed families are I believe more likely to be poorer than intact families ( on average). This makes sense as if the father is elsewhere even if he is paying child support there is less money to spend on the kids, A single mother may have to go out to work to support the kids and therefore is not around as much to provide supervision to ensure the kids don't get into trouble. If a reasonable father is in the home he can be handy for disciplining stroppy teenage boys. I have friends who are single mothers and they are tell me it is very difficult raising kids and having to be both mother and father, Instead of having a knee jerk reaction that everything Cory berndi says is wrong why not calm down and consider the possibility that he has some valid points.

    I can see you have no time for catholic church but if you read up on islam you will see that islam treats women far worse, with a woman testimony in court being worth half a man's,a woman inheriting half what her brothers are entitled to, a man being able to have four wives ( but a woman can have only one husband), a muslim man can marry a non muslim woman, but a muslim woman cannot marry a non muslim man. A man can easily divorce his wife but it does not go both ways. If a marriage breaks down the husband gets the kids under sharia law, women can be killed for adultery but men are merely flogged etc etc,. Child marriage is permitted in many countries under sharia law following the example of mohammed who had a 6yo wife and consummated the union when she was 9.

  3. The poem resonated with me because I was processing the horrific thought that the right-wing of the LNP are inching closer to being Fascists - exclusion of types of people by demonising other 'groups' of people so they can turn the screws and make them really suffer. Government secrecy is a well known sign the Institutions are putting their moral code in a segregated box. How does he feel about the maternity and women's health welfare on Nauru? I agree it is not ideal for single parent families but Senator doesn't grab headlines by rectifying the structural supports like raising wages for low-income workers who are in female dominated fields like child-care and aged care? Or superannuation deficiencies where the richest can tax dodge? Did he demand a Royal Commission into Institutional Sexual Abuse or has he put pressure to bear on his party for the aboriginal babies who are born with Foetal alcohol syndrome?
    What Bernardi does say in public is a return to the Past was better - he means everything being secret, covered up, divorce and contraception and abortion, because women didn't know what was best for them or society?
    He should focus on boys and men - the ones who are born into the world. How to nurture them to respect women, prevent suicide of gay males because they feel worthless - how it is their duty and responsibility to support their children. There is a reason why Feminism lobbied for a Child Financial Support Agency - does Bernardi talk about this vital institution of State?
    I don't consider mine, a knee-jerk reaction - it comes as a debate - from 50years of living as a female from a working-class background, whose parents split when I was 8. Whilst I was a 24/7 Mother of two daughters I was also a Puppeteer and have travelled with my husband to many childcare centres, birthdays, halls, festivals with theatre
    Correction, I critique the worst aspects of patriarchy including religions - which label and exclude women, homosexuals etc etc You couldn't be in the ALP and be anti-Catholic! And I recognise the injustices within the party I align with for example what the Gillard government did with Single parent payments. Life is full of contradictions.
    I grew up in Birmingham UK with Indian, Pakistani, Carribean, African immigrants and refugees. The most important thing is for politicians to lead the population to be respectful of difference like former Attorney-General Nicola Rixon(ALP) who legislated against the practice of female genital mutilation.
    Whether it was the personal observance of the Greek cultural controls on my girlfriends in the 1970's the Humanist and Secular Commonwealth is the superior structure for governance. Thanks for your time though. It's important to talk and check your argument.
